> Talk to each other
You should always talk to each other, because ...
- this ensures that the message is picked up by the person for which it is meant
- any misunderstandings by third parties are successfully avoided
- it improves collegiality and supports teamwork
- it creates confidence and respect
... Talking about each other is easy, talking with one another is what we're living!

> Being honest and open
You should always be honest, because...
- honesty is the basis for good cooperation which everyone should respect from each other
- honesty creates a comfortable working atmosphere, thus releasing energy in each one
- honesty increases collaboration and improves the flow of information
- honesty increases the productivity
... honesty pays off and creates confidence!

> Have fun
Having fun at work ...
- makes me satisfied and happy, generating a friendly working atmosphere between colleagues
- helps me to overcome professional challenges and work off stress
- strengthens the team spirit within the hpl-Group Germany
- improves your own productivity and efficiency
... makes me feeld good at work!

> Listen to each other
If we are always listening to each other ...
- we can understand the point of view and action of each other
- we can communicate our goals, expectations and emotions
- we can communicate on a trustful and conflict-free basis
- it strengthens the team spirit within the hpl-Group
... we are an unbeatable team!

> Understand my own and others' emotions
I must understand my own and others' emotions, because emotions ...
- inform about personal feelings and their consequences
- lead to an increased motivation and passion at work
- lead to better feedback and have a high influence on decisions to be taken
- provoke a reaction and result in decisions and actions
... are a part of us and directly relate to our behaviour!

> Open up new vistas
You should also be able to put yourself in the position of others, because ...
- it helps you to look at the world in a different light
- you get to know the point of view of others and learn to understand it
- you learn to see situations through a different lens which helps you to include not only your personal point of view
- it helps you to develop new ideas and solutions
... each perspective has its own validity!

> Be fair
As long as I am fair, I ...
- create the right conditions for a satisfying worplace
- help to improve the frame conditions providing a good cooperation between the employees
- live by the motto "It is a case of give and take"
- contribute my part to the company's success