We, hpl-Neugnadenfelder Maschinenfabrik GmbH, would also like to make our contribution to interrupting chains of infection in order to contain the corona virus spread. It has become necessary to manage the balancing act between a sensitive way to deal with the corona pandemic, the processing of current and future projects in close cooperation with our customers and our private commitments.
In doing this, the health and safety of our employees and their families as well as of our external partners and customers is of the utmost importance to us at all times.
No one of our employees is currently suspected of having or has been tested positively for corona virus. To ensure that this stays unchanged, we, like our customers and partners, have taken various precautions and issued rules of conduct to minimize the probability of an unnecessary transmission of the corona virus. This includes among others:
- Intensification of general hygiene measures
Information about the transmission risks can be found at many points in the company. Furthermore, additional options for hand disinfection and cleaning have been installed.
- Respecting the interpersonal safety distance of at least 2 m
Our employees working in the office are keeping the recommended interpersonal safety distance. Parallel attendance in the respective offices has been minimized dramatically. Measures such as possible shift or weekend work are taken. After prior agreement, our employees take their holiday entitlement or reduce their accumulated flextime hours. Wherever possible, they work from home after the required system precautions have been taken.
The personal contact to our customers and partners on site, for which we are well-known, have been cancelled until further notice. Meetings with several persons are now only held by telephone or video conference. Unfortunately, visits by external persons to our sites have been reduced to zero.
Deliveries by transport companies are processed on the company premises while maintaining the required interpersonal safety distance.
- Taking care of and returning our employees that are working on sites within and outside of Europe
Our colleagues working on sites abroad are given intensive support while return flights from sites outside of Europe are coordinated.
However, all these measures that we take for granted and consider to be essential to slow down the spread of the serious coronavirus pandemic are also seen by us as the basis for continuing to answer all your questions and take care of your needs as usual.
We hope and recommend that everyone deals with the situation in a responsible manner both in the private and professional environment. Whatever we do, we should always think about our healthcare system which, in this unprecedented time will surely be pushed to its limits and which we must support with all means available.
In this extreme situation, it is also reassuring to see that all colleagues are there for each other, support each other, act in the best interest of their private and professional environment and respond quickly to the changed situation.
We express solidarity with you, your families, friends and all colleagues and wish you good health in these days!