How does effective occupational safety manifest itself? The most obvious is the number of accident-free working days, which our accident clock recently showed with "1,277".
1,277 or in other words: 3.5 years, 30,648 hours, 1,838,880 minutes or 110,332,800 seconds of accident-free time at the Neugnadenfeld site - both in our own production halls and at external assembly sites.
In addition to sophisticated safety concepts for our customers, regular safety briefings for our own employees guarantee effective occupational safety. For example, health protection days are organized annually with the support of expert partners, regular instruction is given to in-house first aiders and the risk assessment of internal and external assembly sites is discussed together with the assembly team (HSE management).
For 2023, our safety specialist Manfred Blekker and our safety officer Jürgen Veenaas are currently working on the recertification of our "Sicher mit System" seal of approval. This seal is awarded by the employers' liability insurance associations to companies whose commitment to occupational safety goes beyond the mandatory requirements. For us as a company, this means not only complying with the applicable occupational safety standards, but also permanently and systematically improving occupational safety as part of a continuous improvement process. This is a requirement that we have been successfully implementing since 2014.